Cross Canada by Motorcoach – September 12 2017
Two more days and we’ll be home
Rest our eyes and our bones
Spent all our money we know
In Cross Canada tour we go
We had great fun and many miles we went
Lots of history and pretty scenes we saw
Many laughs and jokes were told
With bus driver Ray and tour guide Connie
Tried their best to keep us on our way
And not one got lead astray
Rocks and water and Niagara Falls too
Quebec City and Montreal too
Beautiful flowers everywhere
Lovely trees dressed for fall
PEI and Anne of Green Gables
Many other sights to see
Rideau Canal and ferry rides
Also drove by huge lakesides
And a little bit of USA too
Many churches and beautiful homes galore
Weather was great we asked for
Now we go home with many memories to share
Saskatchewan and Alberta we are home
So long, it’s been good to know you
Composed by: Carol Hurley, Oyen, AB
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